FSI’s Next Refugee Memoir: Girl with Black Makeup

We are excited to announce our upcoming refugee memoir by Sharon Jang, Girl with Black Makeup.

The e-book will be available on Amazon on March 31st (U.S. Eastern Standard Time) and April 1st (Korea Standard Time).

Sharon joined FSI in 2015 and gave her first speech at the British Embassy of Seoul in 2015. She has been active with FSI since, worked as an accountant in the FSI office in 2021, and became an Author Fellow in 2024.

Girl with Black Makeup started as a journal of the challenges Sharon passed through during hard times in her life, and eventually it became a full-length book.

Sharon said, “Writing this book made me stronger, and it was therapy for me.” She wants the first people to read her book to be her daughters, and she hopes that this book will give hope to people who are struggling in their lives.

“This book might not help them directly but they might get cheered up thinking, ‘Even someone in this situation survived.'”

To help cover the costs of publication and marketing, we has set up a fundraiser. As thanks to supporters, we will include their names in the paperback version of the book that we plan to release during the summer.

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