Meet Our Team
Our Staff
Casey Lartigue, Jr.
Casey Lartigue Jr. is Co-Founder and Co-President of Freedom Speakers International.
See his full bio here.
Eunkoo Lee
Eunkoo Lee is Co-Founder and Co-President of Freedom Speakers International (FSI).
See her full bio here.
Dahye Kang
Dahye Kang joined Freedom Speakers International in 2020. She handles most of the organization’s graphic design, video editing and also translates many articles for FSI’s Naver blog.
Eunju Kim
Eunju Kim is a outreach staff of Freedom Speakers International.
she joined Freedom Speakers International (FSI) in June 2014 as an English language student and public speaker. She wrote an autobiography entitled “A Thousand Miles to Freedom”.
See her full bio here.
Taerim Ko
Taerim Ko is FSI's accountant. She worked in FSI in 2023 and 2024.
Our Volunteers
Irene Yoon
Irene Yoon a Publications Manager and former volunteer tutor and speech contest mentor for Freedom Speakers International. She first joined FSI in 2019 while working in Incheon, South Korea as a NET (Native English Teacher) at a public girls' middle school. She was formerly an associate editor for Global Spheres Journal, a peer-reviewed academic journal housed in the University of California system. She received B.A degrees in Global Studies, English, and Comparative Literature, and is currently pursuing graduate degrees in Public Health and Nutrition.
Michael Donmoyer
Michael Donmoyer is a Publications Manager and English Empowerment tutorfor Freedom Speakers International. He lived in South Korea from 2020 to 2021, during which time he was a volunteer tutor and speech coach mentor. He earned his B.S. in International Relations from the United States Military Academy and is currently a management consulting analyst at Accenture.
Eben Appleton
Eben Appleton is the first Fundraising Fellow of Freedom Speakers International. She first began supporting Freedom Speakers International in 2016 as a donor and fundraiser. She is a Benefactor of FSI who has raised and donated more than $10,000 to the organization and has set up numerous fundraisers over the past few years."
Ingrid Knudsen
Ingrid Knudsen is the Social Media Volunteer for Freedom Speakers International. Currently, Ingrid works as a Domestic and Sexual Violence Victim’s Advocate in the United States and prior to that, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Studies at Houghton College.
Alexis Wainwright
Alexis Wainwright joined FSI as a volunteer tutor in 2021 upon hearing the impactful stories of North Korean Refugees. She has continued on as a recurring donor, speech mentor, fundraiser, and advocate for empowering refugee voices. Residing in Montana, Alexis spends her free time hiking in the mountains. She holds a BS in Ecology, emphasis Wildlife Habitat Management, and an MA in Creative Writing. Her other passions include animal rescue and wildlife rehabilitation, as well as building dynamic professional communities through her role with Profitable Ideas Exchange.
Grace Lee
Grace Lee serves as a volunteer translator and editor for Freedom Speakers International (FSI). She joined FSI in August 2015 and has also volunteered as an English tutor and speech contest coach during her visits to Korea. Grace earned her B.A. in Linguistics and Spanish from Dartmouth College.
Gregory (Greg) Gresko
Dr. Gregory (Greg) Gresko serves as professor at Woosong University in Daejeon, Korea, where he is Academic Coordinator for the J.W. Kim College of Future Studies and its Partnership of Asian Management Schools (PAMS). He has been in Korea since 2020 learning Korean language and culture, and he began teaching in Korea (Cheonan) starting in 2021. Greg loves serving as a volunteer for FSI, including as a tutor for our English Empowerment Program as well as a mentor for our English Speech Contests. In his role as Academic Advisor, Greg helps to promote and develop new and innovative teaching strategies to help our North Korean refugees find their voice and flourish in English.
Jesse Stover
Jesse Stover discovered FSI through the stories of North Korean refugees on social media and began volunteering as an English tutor and speech mentor in 2022. Jesse is currently living in South Korea and conducting research about how to better empower North Korean refugees through services like those offered by FSI. Jesse received a bachelor’s degree in public health from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, USA and plans to pursue graduate studies after his stay in South Korea